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Head & Neck Cancers

• The term Head and neck cancer describes all cancers that arise in the skin, nasal cavity, sinuses, lip, mouth, salivary glands, throat, larynx, lymph nodes or thyroid gland.
• Carcinoma of the larynx, along with carcinoma of the oral cavity, is the most common primary head and neck malignancy.
• There is a recent rise in prevalence of Head, Neck and Oral cancers because of an increased use of tobacco and alcohol.
• Head and neck malignancies have a tendency for late presentation except vocal cord lesions which present early with hoarseness. Other Head and neck cancers will present with symptoms such as difficulty in swallowing, pain during swallowing, neck swelling, blood tinged sputum, noisy and difficulty in breathing.
• Standard therapy for head and neck cancers include surgery, radiotherapy and chemotherapy.
• An early diagnosis and optimal management is important to prevent/stop progression of disease, improve quality of life.
• An experienced ENT surgeon along with onco-surgeon plays a vital role in management of Head, Neck and Oral cancers.