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Voice Disorders

Voice disorders affect your ability to speak clearly. They’re usually the result of overusing your voice or issues with your voice box or vocal cords. Most people can overcome voice disorders with voice therapy, though some will need medical or surgical treatment.

What are voice disorders?

Voice disorders affect your ability to speak normally. They may change the quality, pitch or loudness of your voice. A voice disorder can prevent you from communicating with others or expressing yourself. This can have a serious impact on your quality of life.
The resulting lack of oxygen activates a survival reflex that wakes you up just enough to resume breathing. While that reflex keeps you alive, it also interrupts your sleep cycle. That prevents restful sleep and can have other effects, including putting stress on your heart that can have potentially deadly consequences.

What are the categories of voice disorders?

Voice disorders typically fall into one of the following categories, but they may overlap:

Functional: The structures that produce vocal sounds — your voice box, vocal cords and lungs — are normal, but you have problems using them. Functional disorders are usually the result of not being able to use your vocal cord muscles.
Organic: There are problems with the structure of your voice box, vocal cords or lungs. Organic disorders are usually structural (such as abnormal growths on your larynx) or neurological (another disorder affects the nerves that control your larynx).
Psychogenic: Although rare, some voice disorders develop due to emotional stress or trauma. They might be the result of anxiety, depression or conversion disorder.